Thursday, August 13, 2015

School Supplies

Philippians 4: 19
" And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ. "

I wish that meant he would be sending an angel or two to Walmart or Target to pick up the endless school supplies that my children need for back to school!  But alas, it doesn't. It means so much more than that! It is full of hope and promise. As Paul is thanking and praising the believers in Philippi for their generosity in providing him "aid", he is crediting God for all that he has, especially the gift of salvation through Christ. He is all that we truly need. Amen.

So, I still haven't gotten the children school supplies. My husband took the girls out and got them backpacks a couple of weeks ago.  So, check, 1 down 100 more to go. It's not just #2 pencils and notebooks anymore either. It's antibacterial wipes, earbuds and graphing calculators ($100 graphing calculators!!). Sheesh, I can't afford public school anymore! But seriously, it's got to be done. School starts in 2 weeks. Here are a few tips for not breaking the bank when you are back to school shopping.

1. Reuse last years supplies. You probably don't have a lot you can reuse, but look around. We still have scissors, protractors, pencil cases, and my son's backpack is still in good condition.

2. The dollar store! Oh yes, the dollar store. They have a lot of great items on my daughter's list.

Back to school doesn't have to break the bank! Check out these 3 great ways to get cheap school supplies. Includes a printable dollar store back to school supplies shopping list!
(image found on Pinterest)
3. Shop sales. There are a lot around, not only that, in Maryland we are in the midst of Tax Free week for      back to school shoes and clothes.

4.  Don't sweat it if you're not completely supply "ready" the first few days of school. The teacher's aren't expecting you to be 100% together (thank heavens!). So no worries!
*not a money saving tip, but a mind saving tip!

I hope I gave you a little perspective and a few ideas. If you have any tips or pics to share about making back to school a little easier, please comment below. I'd love to see them.

I pray your day is a good one!

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